Accueil one-day-buffalo-ride

One day buffalo ride

Tour Code: TDL-05
Duration: 1 day

Buffaloback riding with over view.

From Sapa you take the road through the forest and continue to the Black Hmong village of Matra. You will have some excellent view of over rice paddies and in good weather you will see the highest mountain in Viet Nam (Fansipan). In the village you will have time to explore daily life among the local people and visit the local school. Just outside the village on a small hill your guide will prepare a delicious lunch while you can continue to enjoy the spectacular view. After lunch you can continue riding the buffalo downhill to TaPhin village, from the path you have some magnificent view over Sapa valley. In TaPhin you will encounter both Blach Hmong and Red Dao people. From TaPhin you can choose to return on buffalo or by jeep to Sapa.

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