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Discover the Vietnam North-East

Tour Code: MV01
Duration: 7 days - 6 nights

This trip is designed for people who want to see a part of Vietnam that few tourists visit. We’ll see the amazing beauty of a landscape with towering mountains, rushing rivers, and forests of pine and cinnamon trees. Even more beautiful are the people we’ll encounter: hill tribe people from the Tay, Nung, H’mong and Lo Lo ethnic minorities. These people proudly follow their traditional practices and you will visit their villages, their markets and their homes. You’ll return to your country with a camera full of dramatic pictures, a head full of wonderful stories and heart changed with a new perspective and understanding of the people and culture of this beautiful corner of the world.


DAY 01: Hanoi-Laocai

Your first day in Vietnam begins when our driver meets you with at the airport. We will drive you in a private car into Hanoi. In Hanoi, Lu ethnic peoplewe will bring you to clean, attractive hotel room where you will refresh, take a shower, have breakfast and get ready for your tour of the city.


Hanoi is a city with a unique mix of French colonial architecture and Southeast Asian hubbub. You will see the beautiful tree-lined boulevards, the peaceful lake and ancient temples, as well as the busy markets, shops and cafes. Your tour will include well-known sites like Ho Chi Minh’s Mausoleum, the One Pillar Pagoda, the Temple of Literature, and the Old Quarter. In the late afternoon you can enjoy the amazing water puppet theatre. Finally, you will have dinner before catching the Night Train to Lao Cai. This train is a special experience; you will rock with the gentle rhythm of the train through the night in a bunk in a sleeping car. You awake when the train arrives at the Lao Cai station (L,D)


DAY 02: Laocai-BacHa,

Day Two begins when our guide meets you on the platform at Lao Cai station. After breakfast at a local restaurant, you will ride for about 60Km in one of our cars to the market town of Bac Ha. A long the way, we can stop to look and take photos at the Chinese border, a green tea plantation, and beautiful emerald-green rice terraces.

That afternoon, we will accompany you on a three-hour walk to a village of the colorful and friendly Flower H’mong people. When you return to Bac Ha, you can decide to stay in a hotel or with a local family-run bed and breakfast where you will experience life in a Vietnamese home. B,L,D


DAY 03: Xin Man-Hagiang,

Day three entails much driving, since we are headed to the provincial capital of Ha Giang. Our route will take us 165km along the Chay River. The scenery is amazing: mountains, waterfalls, and rural villages. We will arrive at the our hotel which faces the Lo river in Ha Giang by about 4pm, leaving you time to rest and wash up before dinner. (B,L,D)


DAY 04: QuanBa - DongVan,

Day four starts with a one-hour drive along limestone mountains to Quan Ba where you will see the revered Twin Mountains. Next we will follow the road over mountains and through lovely pine tree forests to Dong Van, where you will spend the night in the local hotel. Along the way, we will stop to view the mountain vistas and at the palatial home of one of the local H’mong kings, which was built by the French in 1918. (B,L,D)


DAY 05: Meo Vac - Hagiang,

Day Five begins as we rise early to take an quick walk to the market of the local Green H’mong tribe. After looking at handicrafts and local produce in the market, we will drive by car to Meo Vac where you will have chance to visit the village of the Lo Lo tribe (one of the smallest but most interesting hill tribes in Viet Nam). Later, we will drive back to Ha Giang, where you spend the night in a comfortable hotel. (B,L,D)


DAY 06: VietQuang-Laocai,

North Viet Nam mapOn day six we will return by car to the city of Lao Cai. Along the way you will be able to visit villages of the Tay, Nung, and Pa Then tribes. Scenery we encounter will include a fragrant cinnamon tree forest. When we arrive in Lao Cai, there will be a hotel room with a hot shower waiting. We’ll make sure you get a good dinner and then accompany you to the railroad station where you’ll board the soft sleeper train to Ha Noi. (B, L, D.)


FINAL DAY (Morning Only)

Enjoy an hour in early morning in Ha Noi, before the city awakes. Your trip ends when we drive you to the airport.




Sun block                                                                             

Original passport

Swimming clothes                            

Comfortable shoes

Wide brim hat                                 

Rain gear

Insect repellent                                

Camera and films

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